
The Nitty Gritty: Chapped and Chafing Nipples

Posted by Bill Brumbach on 2nd Feb 2021

The Nitty Gritty: Chapped and Chafing Nipples

Can I be real with you guys?

Of course I can. We at Brave Soldier care about proper skin care AND endurance athletics. So you can imagine my frustration as someone who religiously uses Brave Soldier products experienced one of the most dreaded skin afflictions to endurance runners; chapped and chafing nipples. 

Stuff happens. Sometimes we can forget to apply Friction Zone to prevent chafing and blisters. Sometimes we can forget to apply Lip Defender to lock in our lips' moisture and protect us from the sun's UVA/UVB radiation with SPF 15 protection. Sometimes you're just REALLY in a time crunch and opt to skip it. 

Lo and behold, today on my prescribed 67 min endurance run from my coach, I woke myself up early and made my way to the gym to log this run on a treadmill (gag) because our running trails are still covered in snow and ice. I just threw on an older t-shirt to run in and managed to find a treadmill under a large ceiling fan. 

Thirty minutes into my run, chapped/chafing nipples and immediate regrets. I felt so foolish. Not because I was experiencing chapped nipples (I think every runner has encountered this at least once in their life), but because it was COMPLETELY avoidable. So as I was pulling my shirt off my chest to afford my nipples brief moments of relief during the remaining 37 minutes of agony, I longed for the soothing comfort of Antiseptic Healing Ointment

Thank goodness I keep a tube in my gym bag and I could immediately apply it as soon as I concluded my training run. And thank goodness for the lidocaine which immediately numbed the burning/stinging sensation and kickstarted the healing process. 

And I think that's the moral of this story. Stuff happens. But when stuff *does* happen, our skin care products will be there to help you mend faster and get on to the next day's training.