
Eczema Relief

17th Nov 2020

Eczema Relief

Some of our loyal customers have been informally telling us that our Antiseptic Healing Ointment is effective at treating their eczema in addition to treating their wounds.

Let's start off by saying that we have no clinical research that proves AHO helps treat or prevent eczema, but we do have anecdotal evidence from customers. We know that lots of products on the market claim to treat or prevent skin conditions and are unsuccessful in doing so. We also know that individuals with skin conditions have a tendency to spend lots of money on products in the hope that a new product will be the silver bullet for what ails them.

We're being responsible in our claims so we don't mislead individuals to give them false hope. 

AHO is specifically formulated with ingredients that combat and heal dry skin. Eczema is a skin condition where patches of skin become inflamed, itchy, cracked, and rough. AHO also soothes skin using a combination of jojoba seed and soybean oil (to moisturize and heal) as well as aloe leaf extract, vitamin C, and other natural ingredients which helps hydrate and protect skin. Not to mention lidocaine which is effective at relieving symptoms of burning and itching associated with eczema. So when you look at the symptoms of eczema and how Antiseptic Healing Ointment is formulated, it makes perfect sense to us that this product would be effective in treating this skin condition. 

If you use AHO for eczema, send us a message and let us know your personal experience! We'd love to feature your story here in the blog or on our Instagram!